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Object Timeline
1981 |
2010 |
2015 |
2025 |
Sampler (possibly Spain)
This is a Sampler. We acquired it in 1981. Its medium is silk embroidery on linen foundation and its technique is embroidered in withdrawn element work with needlemade fillings on plain weave foundation. It is a part of the Textiles department.
This object was
bequest of
Gertrude M. Oppenheimer.
It is credited Bequest of Gertrude M. Oppenheimer.
Its dimensions are
H x W: 36.8 x 21 cm (14 1/2 x 8 1/4 in.)
Cite this object as
Sampler (possibly Spain); silk embroidery on linen foundation; H x W: 36.8 x 21 cm (14 1/2 x 8 1/4 in.); Bequest of Gertrude M. Oppenheimer; 1981-28-348