Objects tagged percentiles
We have 5 objects tagged percentiles.
- Template, Humanscale 1a: Body Measurements Selector
- offset lithograph on plastic with rotary wheels.
- Courtesy of anonymous lender.
- 15.2013.2
- Template, Humanscale 2a: Seating Guide Selector
- offset lithograph on plastic with rotary wheels.
- Courtesy of anonymous lender.
- 15.2013.3
- Template, Humanscale 3a: Handicapped and Elderly Selector
- offset lithograph on plastic with rotary wheels.
- Courtesy of anonymous lender.
- 15.2013.4
- Template, Humanscale 6b: Hands and Feet Selector
- offset lithograph on plastic with rotary wheels.
- Courtesy of anonymous lender.
- 15.2013.5
- Template, Humanscale 7b: Seated at Work Selector
- offset lithograph on plastic with rotary wheels.
- Courtesy of anonymous lender.
- 15.2013.6