Myra Mimlitsch-Gray
Myra Mimlitsch-Gray was born in New Jersey in 1962. She attended Philadelphia College of Art, graduating in 1984 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and went on to earn her Master of Fine Arts from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 1986. She is a designer and metalsmith who works with both precious and mundane materials and objects. She has received numerous awards such as the Individual Artist Fellowships in Crafts/Sculpture from the New York Foundation for the Arts in 1997, 2005 and 2014, an Artist Fellowships from the Tiffany Foundation in 1995, and the 2016 American Craft Council Award. She was inducted into the American Craft Council’s College of Fellows. Her work has been featured in many exhibitions, at a... more.
We know 1 people that Myra Mimlitsch-Gray is related to.
- Cranbrook Academy of Art
- Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA.
- This person is a teacher of Myra.
- This person is involved with 42 objects in our collection.