Hermann Jünger
Born in 1928 in Hanau, Germany, Hermann Jünger grew up immersed in a culture that valued goldsmithing as a craft. In 1947, he enrolled at the Staatliche Zeichenakademie (State Drawing Academy). Due to scarcity of tools and materials following the war, his early lessons focused more on drawing than on the practice of goldsmithing. When his studies became more technical at the end of his time at the Staatliche Zeichenakademie, Jünger pushed back against the standard of technical perfection and sought to achieve more freedom as an artist and designer. Jünger traveled in Europe and worked as an apprentice with other goldsmiths, continuing to develop his ideas about the artist and the goldsmith as a... more.
We know 10 people that Hermann Jünger is related to.
- Cranbrook Academy of Art
- Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA.
- This person is a school of Hermann.
- This person is involved with 42 objects in our collection.
- This person is a school of Hermann.
- This person is involved with 1 object in our collection.
- Manfred Bischoff
- German, 1947 - 2015.
- This person is a student of Hermann.
- This person is involved with 1 object in our collection.
- Doris Betz
- German, b. 1960.
- This person is a student of Hermann.
- This person is involved with 1 object in our collection.
- Bettina Dittlmann
- German, b. 1964.
- This person is a student of Hermann.
- This person is involved with 1 object in our collection.
- Daniel Kruger
- German, b. 1951, South Africa.
- This person is a student of Hermann.
- This person is involved with 2 objects in our collection.