Cooper Hewitt says...
In 1950, Hugo Dreyfuss, an artist, textile designer and printmaker, partnered with the furniture designer, Vladimir Kagan, to form Kagan-Dreyfuss, Inc. The two met through the artist Emanuel Romano, the brother of Dreyfuss’s wife, Beatrice Glicenstein. Prior to partnering with Dreyfuss, Kagan’s business was a family operation, with his father overseeing the factory and his mother running the small shop on East 65th Street. Dreyfuss’s investment in the company enabled them to move to a larger, more prestigious location at 125 East 57th Street. Kagan-Dreyfuss expanded their range of products and began producing a catalog. Dreyfuss took particular interest in printed textiles. In addition to hand printing his own designs, Dreyfuss brought in a full-time weaver, Nadia Cheripov, who set up her loom in one of the display windows of the shop. The company also sold the work of Dorothy Liebes and other weavers. In 1960, the partnership was dissolved; Kagan closed the store and reopened at 81st Street and East End Avenue as a trade showroom, and Dreyfuss retired.