Cooper Hewitt says...
Löw-Lazar studied at the Vienna Kunstschule für Frauen und Mädchen (Art School for Women and Girls) under Adolf Böhm from 1907–10, and then at the Kunstgewerbeschule (School of Applied Arts) under Josef Hoffmann, Oskar Strnad, Alfred Roller, and Michael Powolny from 1910–18. From 1917–23 she worked for Anton Schroll publishing company as a book illustrator on deluxe editions. She designed prolifically for the Wiener Werkstätte, including postcards, commercial graphics, jewelry, toys, painted woodwork, glass, glass painting and enamel, ceramics, wallpaper, textiles, and fashion accessories (lace, tulle, embroidery, and beadwork). She participated in numerous exhibitions, including the Vienna Modeausstellung (Fashion Exhibition) of 1915, Vienna Kunstschau (Art Show) of 1920, the Paris International Exposition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts of 1925, and the Wiener Frauenkunst exhibitions. Löw-Lazar was of Jewish heritage and fled to Brazil in 1938 to escape Nazi persecution. She returned to Vienna in 1955 where she stayed until her death in 1975.
Gerda Breuer and Julia Meer. Frauen und Grafik-Design. Berlin: Jovis, 2012.
Werner J. Schweiger, Wiener Werkstätte. Kunst und Handwerk 1903 - 1932 mit 213 Künstlerbiographien im Anhang. Vienna: Brandstätter, 1982, 263.