Objects Involving Jean-François de Neufforge
- Print, Developpement d'une autre Porte Dorique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-40
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une autre Porte Ionique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-41
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une autre Porte Corinthienne
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-42
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Pour une Fenêtre Dorique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-43
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une Fenêtre Ionique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-44
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une Fenêtre Corinthienne
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-45
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une autre Fenêtre Dorique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-46
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une autre Fenêtre Ionique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-47
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une autre Fenêtre Corinthienne
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-48
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Title Page
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-49
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement et apliquation sur les proportions de Fenêtres propre a...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-50
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, 2e. Fenêtre Ionique au dessus du Rez de Chausée ou Belle Etage [et]...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-51
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, 2e. Fenêtre Corinthienne au dessus du Rez de Chausée ou belle Etage...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-52
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Window Details in the Corinthian Order
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-53
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une Fenêtre Corinthienne cintrée
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-54
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Pour une Niche Dorique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-55
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une Niche Ionique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-56
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une Niche Corinthienne
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-57
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une Porte Cochere de l'ordonnance Dorique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-58
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une Porte Cochere de l'ordonnance Ionique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-59
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une Porte Cochere de l'ordonnance Corinthien
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-60
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Profil d'Entablement Dorique couronne avec fronton développée dans...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-61
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Profil d'Entablement Ionique couronne avec fronton développée dans...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-62
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Profil d'Entablement Corinthien couronne avec fronton développée...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-63
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Divers Profils de Piedestaux suivant les proportions des cinq ordres...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-64
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Profil des Corniches etabli selon les cinq ordres à l'usage des...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-65
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Modeles et developpements de divers Balustres dont les proportions...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-66
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Caractere d'une Porte Dorique à Guichet
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-67
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement pour une autre Porte Dorique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-68
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement pour une Porte Ionique
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-69
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement d'une Porte Corinthienne
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-70
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement de divers Balcons en saillie soutenue par des Consoles...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-71
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement de diverses Consoles à l'usage des Fenêtres, Niches,...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-72
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement et Décoration de Lambris pour une Chambre à Coucher...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-73
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Developpement et Décoration de Lambris pour un Cabinet avec un...
- engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-451-74
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.