Cooper Hewitt says...
1985--Principal, Kate Friedman Design
1977 B. A., Cultural History, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana
Environmental Graphics Design
2001 Identity and interpretive signage for restoration of historic landscape, Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool, Chicago Park District/Friends of Lincoln Park.
1996 25th anniversary exhibition and collateral promotional material, Our Town, Chicago Cultural Center, for Chicago Reader Newspaper.
1994 Project identity, theme and functional graphics, directories and signage for major regional shopping mall, with Anthony Belluschi Architects, for Urban Retail Properties.
1994 Project identity, interior design and signage for Nathalie Salmon House, Chicago,
52-unit intergenerational housing project, with Nagle Hartray Associates, for Housing
Opportunities and Maintenance for the Elderly.
1994 Directories and construction barricades for retail renovation of DePaul Music Mart,
Chicago, with Anthony Belluschi Architects.
Publication Design
2001 Alchemy, Department of Cutural Affairs, City of Chicago, 250-page trade book for Gallery 37 arts apprenticeship program.
1999-2000 Annual Reports and website design, The University of Chicago Hospitals.
1999 CITY2000 Photographic Archive, identity and publication design for exhibition.
1995-2001 National Easter Seals Society: redesign, art direction and production of quarterly magazine and annual report.
1994-95 Chicago Reader Newspaper: redesign and art directioon of 160 page weekly.
1993-97 Carousel Magazine and Annual Report, Children's Memorial Medical Center: redesign, art direction and production.
1993 Celebrate Reading Series, ScottForesman, publisher: design and art direction of 3rd grade reading program.
1992 From America's Studio, 125th Anniversary Exhibition, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Exhibition catalog and signage.
American Federation of Arts Museum Publications Award.
Society of Marketing Professional Services Award (Gold Medal 1994).
Permanent Collections: Chicago Historical Society, The Phillip Morris Foundation.
Source: Personal Communication from Kate Friedman, October 15, 2001.