Cooper Hewitt says...

Eduard Petrovich Hau was first trained in painting by his father, the landscape
painter Johannes Hau (1771–1838), and was a student at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Dresden, for one year. In 1836, he went to Dorpat, a center of romanticism in the nineteenth century, and worked as a portraitist. There
he began a catalogue of portraits of thirty professors at the Imperial Universities of
Dorpat known as the Sammlung von Portraits der Professoren an der Kaiserlichen
Universität zu Dorpat seit dem Jahre 1837 nach dem Leben und auf Stein gezeichnet von E. Hau. Ultimately, Hau moved to Saint Petersburg, where he was hired in 1852 to assist with a significant nine-year documentation of the interiors of the New Hermitage, contributing twenty paintings to the total of fifty-five views. (JGK)