Roycroft Shops
Established by Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915) in 1895, the Roycroft community was located in East Aurora, New York. An Arts and Crafts community centered around a series of workshops, it employed up to 500 people at its peak. The workshops produced furniture, bookbindings and metalwork. Hubbard was "an apostle of aestheticism" and authored books on the relationshiop between the arts and life. Karl Kipp was selected by Hubbard to organize and direct the Roycroft copper shop, and by 1910 the workshop was in full production. Kipp was assisted in this endeavor by Walter Jennings. In 1911, they left to start their own firm, The Tookay Shop, but in 1915 were persuaded to return by Elbert Hubbard II, who had... more.
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