People who've collaborated with Richard Cranch Greenleaf (American, 1887–1961)
There are 64 people who've collaborated with Richard Cranch Greenleaf (American, 1887–1961) on objects in our collection / and this is page 1 of 2
Miss Frances Morris
They worked on 38 objects together
Mme. Jules Porgès
They worked on 29 objects together
George Saville Seligman
They worked on 24 objects together
Adeline Emma Greenleaf
They worked on 22 objects together
Ida Schiff
They worked on 19 objects together
They worked on 16 objects together
Salisbury Day
They worked on 9 objects together
Countess Valencia de Don Juan
They worked on 8 objects together
Alfred Lescure
They worked on 6 objects together
Jean-Baptiste Marie Huet
They worked on 5 objects together
Aemilia Ars
They worked on 4 objects together
Georg Melchior Kraus
They worked on 4 objects together
Friedrich Justin Bertuch
They worked on 4 objects together
Verlag des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs
They worked on 4 objects together
Journal des Luxus und der Moden
They worked on 4 objects together
Jean Jacques Reubell (French, 1850–1933)
They worked on 4 objects together
Gilles L'Egare
They worked on 3 objects together
Stehli Silk Corporation
They worked on 3 objects together
L. Collet
They worked on 3 objects together
Bromley Hall
They worked on 2 objects together
Aubrey Vincent Beardsley
They worked on 2 objects together
Marian Hague
They worked on 2 objects together
Charles Iklé
They worked on 2 objects together
Jacques Rigaud
They worked on 2 objects together
Gaspard Grégoire
They worked on 2 objects together
Passerat Fils & Cie
They worked on 2 objects together
Prince de Wagram
They worked on 2 objects together
Prince Gagarine
They worked on 2 objects together
Antoine Berjon
They worked on one object together
Herman A. Elsberg
They worked on one object together
Lefebvre Manufactory, Tournai
They worked on one object together
Hartmann et Fils
They worked on one object together
Petitpierre et Cie
They worked on one object together
Robert et Cie
They worked on one object together
Ferdinand Favre Petitpierre & Cie
They worked on one object together