People related to Mrs. John Innes Kane
- This person is a sibling of John.
- This person is involved with 2 objects in our collection.
- Sarah Cooper Hewitt
- (American, 1859–1930).
- A dynamic personality with an educated eye for design.
- This person is a friend of John.
- This person is involved with 8001 objects in our collection.
- Eleanor Garnier Hewitt
- (American, 1864–1924).
- A design education pioneer and skilled equestrian.
- This person is a friend of John.
- This person is involved with 7136 objects in our collection.
- Mrs. James O. Green
- American, 1856–1922.
- Eldest Hewitt sister, engaged in early plans for museum.
- This person is a friend of John.
- This person is involved with 51 objects in our collection.