Christoph Jünger
We have one object that Christoph Jünger has been involved with.
We know 6 people that Christoph Jünger is related to.
- Cranbrook Academy of Art
- Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA.
- This person is a school of Christoph.
- This person is involved with 42 objects in our collection.
- This person is a school of Christoph.
- This person is involved with 1 object in our collection.
- Robert Ebendorf
- American, b.1938.
- This person is a collaborator of Christoph.
- This person is involved with 49 objects in our collection.
- Doris Betz
- German, b. 1960.
- This person is a student of Christoph.
- This person is involved with 1 object in our collection.
- Bettina Speckner
- German, b. 1962.
- This person is a student of Christoph.
- This person is involved with 1 object in our collection.
- Otto Künzli
- Swiss, b. 1948.
- This person is a mentee of Christoph.
- This person is involved with 4 objects in our collection.