Tim Girvin
Born 1953, Seattle, Washington. BA., Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington. Additional studies: New College, Sarasota, Florida; Cooper Union College of Arts and Sciences; Imperial College, London. 1970's - Researched the history of and cultural influences affecting type design, fine printing, calligraphy, architecture and book design. 1976-77 - Traveled to meet and study with prominent designers in New York, Great Britain, Europe and the Soviet Union. Received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts; presented a paper on contemporaary American design at a conference in the Soviet Union. 1977 - Established the firm of Tim Girvin Design, Inc. 1990's--Tim Girvin Design grew to over 70 members... more.
We have 6 objects that Tim Girvin has been involved with.