People who've collaborated with Arango Design Foundation
There are 35 people who've collaborated with Arango Design Foundation on objects in our collection.
See all the people who've helped bring their work in to our collection.
They worked on 10 objects together as a manufacturer or a distributor
Yutaka Kazamaki
They worked on 10 objects together as a designer
Unshudo Co., Ltd.
They worked on 7 objects together as a manufacturer
Toshiyuki Kita
IDK Design Laboratory, Japan
Enzo Mari
Torben Holmback
ID Two
Holmback design ASI
They worked on 4 objects together as a manufacturer
Danese Milano
They worked on 3 objects together as a manufacturer
Plus Corporation
They worked on 3 objects together as a manufacturer
Erika Pelki
James Sebastian
Ornella Noorda
Peter Haythornthwaite
They worked on 2 objects together as a manufacturer
Designframe, Inc.
They worked on 2 objects together as a manufacturer
Morison S. Cousins
They worked on one object together as a designer
Zelco Industries
They worked on one object together as a distributor
Becker Inc.
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Lucien Polastron
They worked on one object together as a designer
Robin Chu
They worked on one object together as a designer
They worked on one object together as a designer
Martin Darbyshire
They worked on one object together as a designer
Moggridge Associates
They worked on one object together as a designer
Gabriella Benyak
They worked on one object together as a designer
Daniel M. Wickemeyer
They worked on one object together as a designer
Mel Evenson
They worked on one object together as a designer
Dick Greenwood
They worked on one object together as a designer
Rud Thygensen
They worked on one object together as a designer
Nicolai Canetti
They worked on one object together as a designer
Tom Watters
They worked on one object together as a designer
Henning Andreasen
They worked on one object together as a designer
Winfried Scheuer
They worked on one object together as a designer
Hisashi Tanabe
They worked on one object together as a designer