Things we acquired in 1920
- Print, Fabrique flamandes exécutée au Parc de Rency
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-6
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Designs for Decoration of a Chapel and Garden Statuary
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-59
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Détail de la Chambre à Coucher
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-58
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Elévations et Coupe du Casin de Me Meulenaer, à Gravensel by J.J. le...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-57
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Plans du Cazin de Terlinden appartenant à Me la douariere de...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-56
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Détails d’une salle de Billiard Chinois construite à Belle Ville...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-55
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Elevations and Plans of a Chapel and Observation Tower
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-54
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Détail de divers fabrique construite au parc du Château de Mr...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-53
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Détail d’une fabrique construite au Parc du Château de Mr Botosky,...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-52
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Détail d’une Maison Construite à Etampe pour Me Lahay sur les...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-51
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Maison de Me. Michel Réstauré par Mr. Stouf, à Corbeil
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-50
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Maison de Campagne bâtie dans les environs de Noyen pour Mr Vincents...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-5
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Différens détails de la Glacière construite d’Après les dessins...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-49
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Serre chaude, construite par J.A. Alavoine, pour Mr. Bourceau dans son...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-48
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Plans Coupes Elévations et detail des deux Chaumières au cidevant...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-47
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, No. 1 Plans Coupe et Elévation d’un Pavillon et Volière éxécuté...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-46
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Coupe de la Maison restaurée à Sarcelles, par Mandar Architecte et...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-45
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Maison restaurée à Sarcelles, par Mandar Architect et Ingénieur en...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-44
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Plan et Elévation d’un Pont construit sur la Rivière du Parc de...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-43
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Divers detail construits dans le Jardin appartenant autrefois à Mr....
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-42
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Diverses fabrique construites jardin du cidevant Château de Ville...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-41
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Elévation côté de l’Entrée de la Maison de plaisance, appelé le...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-40
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Two Exterior Elevations for a House
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-4
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Coupe perpendiculaire du Batiment au droit de la ligne milieu en...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-39
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Plan de la Maison de Plaisance dans le goût Antique appellé le...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-38
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Differents fabriques qui se trouvens dans le plan de la Maison de Me....
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-37
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Détail de differentes fabriques éxécutées dans les Jardins de Me....
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-36
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Dispositions d’une ferme ornée, Construite à la Westphalienne pour...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-35
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Two Elevations of a Country House, Views from the Garden and Entrance...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-34
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Plans, Elevations, and Sections for a Country House and Garden...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-33
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Plan Général De la Propriété Rurale composée des Maisons Granges,...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-32
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Trois petits ponts construit dans le jardin cidevant de Mr. Thierry à...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-31
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Diverses fabriques construites jardin du cidev.t Château de Ville...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-30
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Maison des champs exécutée à Pantin par Belanger Architecte an...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-3
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Plan et Coupe du Château de Montmusard, batie pour Mr. Voyer...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-29
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.