There are 2 other images of this object. See our image rights statement.
Object Timeline
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1930 |
2016 |
2017 |
2025 |
This is a Album. It was attributed to Walter Dorwin Teague and manufactured by Eastman Kodak Company. Its medium is black leather binding, design in red and silver tooled on cover, gold silk band with tassels.
- 1A Gift Kodak Camera And Box
- leather-covered metal, chrome-plated and enameled metal, glass (camera);....
- Gift of George R. Kravis II.
- 2015-41-2-a,b
- Beau Brownie Camera And Case
- enameled metal, steel, glass, leatherette, paper.
- 1987-92-4-a,b
This object was previously on display as a part of the exhibition The Jazz Age: American Style in the 1920s.