Album, RECUEIL DE NOUVEAUX ORNEMENTS Composés Dans le Gout le plus Moderne Destinés a être Executés en Or, Argent, Cuivre et autres Metaux DÉDIÉ A MESSIEURS Les Orfevres, Fondeurs et Ciseleurs Par leur très Humble et très Obeisant Serviteur Mondhare
- Album, RECUEIL DE NOUVEAUX ORNEMENTS Composés Dans le Gout le plus Moderne...
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432
- There are 5 people in 5 roles are associated with this object
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- There are 3 images of this object.
- Print, Title Page
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-1
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Desseins de Tiroir et entrée de serrure
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-10
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Flanbeaux de Table a la mode
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-11
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Porte Montre dans le Gout moderne
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-12
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Bras de Cheminée d’un tres nouveau Gout
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-13
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Feux de Cheminée dans le Gout modern
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-14
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Lutrin dans un nouveau Gout
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-15
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Designs for Winged Putti (Children)
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-16
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Garniture de Commode, Buffets et autre
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-2
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Chandelier Pascal
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-3
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Feux de Cheminée d’un très nouveau Gout
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-4
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Bras de Cheminée a trois Branche
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-5
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Differents Vases de Table
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-6
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Chandelier d’Autel
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-7
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Calice, Siboire et Burette
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-8
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- Print, Lampe, Benitiers, Navette et Ensenssoir
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-432-9
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.