Object Timeline
1973 |
2025 |
Calculator, Divisumma 18, 1973
This is a Calculator. It was designed by Mario Bellini. It is dated 1973. Its medium is abs plastic, melamine, rubber, metal. It is a part of the department.
With the intent to design a piece of “totally humanized” office technology, Bellini attracted a new breed of consumer with the Divisumma 18 calculator’s colorful, tactile form. The stylish design made use of revolutionary synthetics like ABS plastic, melamine resin, and an inviting rubberized skin covering the keyboard buttons. Produced in a bright golden hue, it sat smartly on desks as a reminder of the sense of play that design could bring to even the most formal environments.
Its dimensions are
H x W x D: 4.6 x 30.9 x 12cm (1 13/16 x 12 3/16 x 4 3/4in.)
It has the following markings
On back, in relief: "Made in Italy / 220 V ~ 10 W 50/60HZ // #BCD18"