CHSDM, Carnegie Mansion, 202, R: 10, S: E
This spot is in room 202. It is sometimes referred to as Metrowire and is located in Carnegie Mansion.
Over the years this spot has been visited 476 times by 455 different objects.
This is page 3 of 14.
- Print, Designs for Decoration of a Chapel and Garden Statuary
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-59
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Détail de la Chambre à Coucher
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-58
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Elévations et Coupe du Casin de Me Meulenaer, à Gravensel by J.J. le...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-57
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plans du Cazin de Terlinden appartenant à Me la douariere de...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-56
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plans du Cazin de Terlinden appartenant à Me la douariere de...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-56
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Détails d’une salle de Billiard Chinois construite à Belle Ville...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-55
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Elevations and Plans of a Chapel and Observation Tower
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-54
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Détail de divers fabrique construite au parc du Château de Mr...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-53
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Détail d’une fabrique construite au Parc du Château de Mr Botosky,...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-52
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Détail d’une Maison Construite à Etampe pour Me Lahay sur les...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-51
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Maison de Me. Michel Réstauré par Mr. Stouf, à Corbeil
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-50
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Différens détails de la Glacière construite d’Après les dessins...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-49
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Serre chaude, construite par J.A. Alavoine, pour Mr. Bourceau dans son...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-48
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plans Coupes Elévations et detail des deux Chaumières au cidevant...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-47
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, No. 1 Plans Coupe et Elévation d’un Pavillon et Volière éxécuté...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-46
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Coupe de la Maison restaurée à Sarcelles, par Mandar Architecte et...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-45
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Maison restaurée à Sarcelles, par Mandar Architect et Ingénieur en...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-44
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plan et Elévation d’un Pont construit sur la Rivière du Parc de...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-43
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Divers detail construits dans le Jardin appartenant autrefois à Mr....
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-42
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Diverses fabrique construites jardin du cidevant Château de Ville...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-41
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Elévation côté de l’Entrée de la Maison de plaisance, appelé le...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-40
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Coupe perpendiculaire du Batiment au droit de la ligne milieu en...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-39
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plan de la Maison de Plaisance dans le goût Antique appellé le...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-38
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Détail de differentes fabriques éxécutées dans les Jardins de Me....
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-36
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Dispositions d’une ferme ornée, Construite à la Westphalienne pour...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-35
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Two Elevations of a Country House, Views from the Garden and Entrance...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-34
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plans, Elevations, and Sections for a Country House and Garden...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-33
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plan Général De la Propriété Rurale composée des Maisons Granges,...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-32
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Trois petits ponts construit dans le jardin cidevant de Mr. Thierry à...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-31
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Diverses fabriques construites jardin du cidev.t Château de Ville...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-30
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plan et Coupe du Château de Montmusard, batie pour Mr. Voyer...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-29
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plan et Elévation du Château de Montmusard, Batie pour Mr. Voyer...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-28
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Maison de Campagne Commancée en 1792 pour Me du G…près Malmaison...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-27
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Plan et Coupe d’une Maison de Campagne Comanancé près Malmaison en...
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-26
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999
- Print, Petites Maisons de Campagne Pittoresque par Mr. Lomet Adjudant Général
- etching and engraving on paper.
- Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council.
- 1921-6-552-25
- This object is part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design collection.
- This object visited Metrowire in August 1999