Making Design
This exhibition has been divided in to the following sections:

Behind the Scenes: The Honey Pop Chair
Conservator Annie Hall & Curator Cindy Trope discuss the Honey Pop chair, its design qualities, and the challenges associated with conserving it.

Patrick Jouin on Rapid Prototyping
Interview with Patrick Jouin about rapid prototyping and 3D printing processes.

Campana Brothers on the Vermelha Chair
Hear Fernando Campana speak about the process behind the iconic Vermelha chair, and how it was brought into semi-mass production despite the unusual weaving technique required to create it.

Collections in Motion: Rolodexes
Six Rolodexes from the Cooper Hewitt collection being shown in motion.

Katagami & Katazome Demonstration
Master craftsmen from Japan demonstrate traditional techniques for hand-cutting paper stencils (katagami) and resist-dying silk (katazome). This video condenses a multi-hour process into under two...

Behind the Scenes: Porca Miseria Chandelier
Conservator Annie Hall and Curator Cindy Trope talk about the origin story of the Porca Miseria Chandelier, as well as the conservation and storage challenges associated with it.

Behind the Scenes: Garland Lamp
Conservator Annie Hall and Curator Cindy Trope discuss the Garland Lamp, how it's made, and how it gets stowed and cleaned in museum storage.

Collections in Motion: One_Shot Stool
Senior Objects Conservator Annie Hall demonstrates how the One_Shot Stool opens and closes with a smooth folding mechanism.

Reiko Sudo on the Origami Textile
Textile designer Reiko Sudo describes the trial-and-error process behind creating the Origami Textile.

Collections in Motion: Turkey Red Sample Book
Demonstration of the Turkey Red Sample Book being opened, closed, and pages turned.

Collections in Motion: Origami Textile
Reiko Sudo & NUNO Corporation's origami textile shown being opened, re-folded and rolled.

Collections in Motion: Folding Miyake Dress
A demonstration of the "132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE" folding dress being opened and folded.

Collections in Motion: Folding Miyake Skirt
A demonstration of the "132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE" folding skirt being opened and folded.

Collections in Motion: Folding Miyake Shrug
A demonstration of the "132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE" folding shrug being opened and folded.

Collections in Motion: Folding Miyake Short Skirt
A demonstration of the "132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE" folding skirt being opened and folded.

Collections in Motion: Folding Miyake Tank
A demonstration of the "132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE" folding tank top being opened and folded.

Collections in Motion: Folding Miyake Top
A demonstration of the "123 5. ISSEY MIYAKE" folding top being opened and folded.

Collections in Motion: Sagmeister's Things I Have Learned (Complete Book)
A front-to-back flip-through of each spread of Stefan Sagmeister's unique book. You can also see all variations of the die-cut cover.

Collections in Motion: One Red Dot Pop-up Book
A look at the inside pages of this pop-up book, housed in the National Design Library at the Cooper Hewitt museum.

Collections in Motion: Valentine Typewriter
Senior objects conservator Annie Hall opens up the case for the iconic Valentine typewriter, replaces the ribbon, and types a short message. This is a study object, not the same typewriter housed...

Isabel and Ruben Toledo on the Kuba Skirt
Isabel & Ruben Toledo of Toledo Studio get a hands-on look at an early 20th century Kuba skirt, part of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum collection. They describe the connections between this...

Rotating View of Tall Green Bloom
A screen capture of the urn being rotated in Rhinoceros 3D, a type of 3D modeling software.

Philippe Apeloig on the VIVO IN TYPO poster
Graphic designer Philippe Apeloig describes the process and thinking behind his VIVO IN TYPO poster.

Michael Eden on Bloom Vase
Maker Michael Eden talks about the thinking and process behind his "Tall Green Bloom" urn, created with CAD software and 3D printing techniques.

The Morse Historic Design Lecture Series | The Future of Design with Bruce Mau
Design has changed the way we interact with the world. From hand-held smart products to large-scale systems and networks, designers have envisioned a brave new world of connectivity and autonomy....

Sue Lawty on Paper Vest
Artist Sue Lawty examines the shifu (paper cloth) sweat protector and discusses its unique qualities. Lawty explored the Cooper Hewitt collection as part of her Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship.

Sue Lawty on Ainu Robe
Artist Sue Lawty examines the Ainu robe and discusses its properties as a garment made from elm bark. Lawty explored the Cooper Hewitt collection as part of her Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship.